Sunday, February 28, 2016

Electrical Heating is best method of heating...

Electrical heating is one of the best method of heating elements that are hard to be heated or melted. Followings are the advantages of electrical heating technique over other techniques:-

a) Economical- Electrical heating is economical as electric furnaces are cheaper in initial cost as well as maintenance cost. It does not require any attention during operation so labour cost reduces.

b) Cleanliness- Since dust and ash are completely eliminated in electric heating system, so it is clean system, so leaning cost reduces.

c) Absence of flue gases- Since no flue gases has been produced in this system,so there is no risk to atmosphere therefore non polluting process.

d) Ease of control- Simple, accurate and reliable can be controlled by hand or by fully automatic using PLC.
e) High efficiency of Ultilization- The overall efficiency of electric heating is comparatively higher since in this system the source i bought near to the point where heat is produced.
f) Better working condition- In electrical heating technique no irritating noise is produced and also the radiation loses are negligible.

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